
ATTRACTOUR project – Study tour in Letenye

On 16th April 2019. our project manager Judit Vinhoffer participated in a meeting of ATTRACTOUR project in Letenye. This meeting was a Study tour what was organised by University of Pannonia (Nagykanizsa). Our porject manager presented the project to the students of University of Pannonia and Medimurje University.

Tha aim of the project is the revitalization of cultural heritage into tourism attractions in Međimurye and Letenye area. As part of the project will make innovative tourist packages and within of framework of the project will renovate the Szapáry-Andrássy castle in Letenye and an old Baroque castle in Csáktornya.
The Attractour project started on September 1,2017 and will last until April 30, 2019. The project is funded from Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme 2014-2020

Patners of the project:

REDEA Regional Development Agency Međimurje
Međimurska county
Tourism Board of Medimurje (Turistička zajednica Međimurske županije)
Letenye Önkormányzata
Pannon Egyetem

IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Kft. participates in the project as an external project management organization.

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