
Online conference on sustainability, climate strategy of Nagykanizsa

Within the framework of the project “Change the power – (Em) Power to change: Local Authorities towards the SDGs and Climate Justice”, the Local Government of Nagykanizsa held an online conference, in the organization of which our company also participated. The local government of Nagykanizsa County participates in the project as a partner, the leader of the consortium is the European Climate Association. The 3-year program, which runs from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2020 has 20 organizations from 12 countries (eg Austria, Croatia, Germany, Belgium, Brazil, etc.). The project supports the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 through its activities. The municipality of Nagykanizsa implements events (poster campaigns, kindergarten and school programs) and activities that strengthen the formation of the environmentally conscious attitude of the population and present the above-mentioned development goals. As part of the project, a publication for primary school students was produced, in which students from different parts of the world shared their views and experiences of the effects of climate change. As part of the poster campaign, awareness-raising posters were displayed in several parts of the city, drawing attention to the importance of a sustainable lifestyle. Lectures on Sustainable Development Goals were implemented in kindergartens and schools.

At the online conference held on November 25, 2020, László Balogh, Mayor of Nagykanizsa announced that Nagykanizsa’s climate strategy between 2020 and 2030 has been completed, in the implementation of which our company also participated. The details of the strategy were presented by the managing director of our company, Róbert Musits. In addition, dr. Nikoletta Tóth-Kaszás, director of the Nagykanizsa Campus of the University of Pannonia spoke about the circular economy, Beáta Ködbaumné Farkas, environmental group leader and employee of Viridis-Pannonia Nonprofit Kft. talked about waste management.


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