
Attractour project – closing conference

The ATTRACTOUR Hungarian-Croatian cross-border project, implemented with the help of IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Ltd., was successfully completed on 30 April 2019. The closing of the project was followed by two closing events, one on the Croatian Csáktornya (25th of March 2019) and the other on Letenye (26.04.2019).

In Csáktornya, the transferring ceremony of the renovated building was carried out at the final conference of the project organized by Croatian partners. As a result of the reconstruction, the building of Csáktornya will operate as a tourist palace.





During the closing event organized by the Hungarian partners, in Letenye, a partially renovated Szapáry-Andrássy castle was delivered within the framework of the project. Within the framework of the project, among other things, a tourist office was created from the old service building.






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