WomEn-Puls project has started
WomEn-Puls project – 2014 – 2020 INTERREG V-A Austria – Hungary
There are/were multiple national initiatives launched to improve the situation of female employees working in the public sphere, but none that would approach the subject from a cross-border perspective and execute a fact finding endeavor based on a jointly developed methodology. Within the scope of this project – based on the results of the aforementioned ascertainment – a training program (toolkit) will be developed and implemented, complemented by different target-group-specific awareness raising activities. As a result, the job market situation and equality of women working in the public sphere will be improved.
Partners of the project:
- Self-government of Zala County – Lead Partner
- Self-Government Office of Vas County
- a organization from Steiermark (Austria)
- a organization from Burgenland (Austria)
– IMRO-DDKK Nonprofit Ltd. participates in the implementation of the project as an external project management organization on behalf of the Self-government of Zala County.
Duration of the project: 01.03.2019.- 28.02.2022.
The official opening conference of the project was held in Lenti (Hungary), on 20 May 2019, where our projectmanager, Judit Vinhoffer presented the content of the project.