

A comprehensive energy efficiency refurbishment saves 40% of the energy costs of condominiums. Despite this, two thirds of them do not have adequate insulation, in 80% of them the heating system needs to be modernized.

We need to renew the house….

The need of renovation usually is not an issue for the residents of the apartments, the major problem is what to renovate. How much will it cost and how the money can be raised by the community. The problem must be approached from two directions. First from the technical view, what is old, outdated, or even in its current state dangerous. The second question is the amount of the cost required for renovation. How much will it cost, how much can you take from the residence.

The best investment is in energy…

The buildings need to be renovated in a way which results in savings. The two problems are related: the buildings need to be renovated in a way which results in savings. Reducing the energy consumption of all energy results in savings so that the comfort level is not changed, but rather improved.

Money and resources…

A successful application involves thinking ahead, planning with professionals and financial thoughtfulness. The proposals provide an opportunity for the planned renovations to become more complex and depending on the level of support to faster return money invested in the renovation. When a residential community decides to take part in a proposal, it also decides on providing the necessary amount of own resources. The calculation and creation of the amount of resources can be part of a successful building renovation.

Leave it to the professionals…

Our company proposes what to renovate, in what order and how much it will save for all types of condominiums. In a well planned renovation the building becomes more modern- cheaper to operate- and becomes more modern and aesthetic.

We undertake…

  • the preparation of technical and conceptual designs for energy renovation for residential community
  • based on the plans we prepare technical specifications and schedule proposals
  • based on what we prepare concrete and necessary budgets and make suggestions about own funds and credit arbitrage opportunities
  • the overall transaction of competitions, in which we have much experience