2024-06-04read more
Lentiszombathely energy community: first focus group discussion
On May 29, 2024, the first focus group meeting related to the creation of the Lentiszombathely energy community was held, the purpose of which is to present the energy community that is being prepared here, and to discuss the suggestions and comments of local stakeholders. We specifically invited participants to the event organized within the Tovább olvasom…
2024-04-18read more
NRGCOM project – press release
Revolutionizing Energy in the Danube: NRGCOM Project Ignites Change Budapest, March 15, 2024 – The NRGCOM project, set to transform energy practices across the Danube Region, officially launched on January 2024 and will run until June 2026. With a consortium consisting of 13 project partners from 12 countries and 14 strategic collaborators, the project kicked Tovább olvasom…
2024-03-10read more
International meeting within the framework of our ASSET project
On March 4th and 5th, our lead partner “Fundación de la Comunitat Valenciana Instituto de Ecología Litoral” hosted the 6 international partners of the project at the international meeting in Alicante, Spain. During the 2 days, we reviewed the tasks of the months ahead and discussed in detail the methodological guide for teachers to be Tovább olvasom…
2024-02-19read more
Cross-border efforts to prevent and eliminate energy poverty (EnerTy)
Our new project started on December 1, 2023. ACRONYM: EnerTy Project duration: 24 months (01.12.2023 – 01.12.2025) The common challenge addressed by the project through cross-border cooperation is to improve the knowledge and awareness of decision-makers and to increase cooperation between decision-makers and end users in the field of prevention and elimination of household energy Tovább olvasom…
2024-01-19read more
Our new Erasmus+ project has started
Our primary objective is to support teachers in the improvement of their skills in climate education by empowering them with an innovative teaching methodological guidebook and related learning materials based on 7 thematic chapters, while also organizing training and workshops for them. Thus, we can enable knowledge transfer among the target group that will result Tovább olvasom…
2024-01-18read more
New project supports renewable energy communities
Shortly after the establishment of the first Hungarian renewable energy community, our company has start implementing a new project in January 2024. In the 3-year project called NRGCOM, financed by the EU’s Interreg Danube Region program, we will work together with 12 international partners to make professionals and the public aware of the opportunities inherent Tovább olvasom…
2024-01-08read more
ESINERGY: New Project to Reduce the Load on the Electrical Network
A new project called ESINERGY has been launched within the framework of the European Union’s Interreg Danube Region Program with the participation of our company. The aim is to identify, test and spread solutions that reduce the overload caused by feeding weather-dependent renewable energy sources into the electric power grid. As part of the 3-year Tovább olvasom…
2023-12-22read more
New project launched to combat energy poverty
The “EnerTy” project launched on 1st December 2023, with the participation of IMRO, in Slovenian-Hungarian collaboration, in the framework of which – among many other activities – energy-poor households in the counties of Zala and Vas will be mapped, energy certificates will be prepared for 50 households struggling with energy poverty, and with the participation Tovább olvasom…
2023-08-01read more
European Energy Award – from now on also in Zala and Vas counties!
On behalf of the Danube Office Ulm (Germany), the European Energy Award Association and the Baden-Württemberg Climate Protection and Energy Agency, our company organized a very successful workshop in July 2023. To this event we have invited mayors, leading civil servants and representatives of city institutions from Zala and Vas counties. The purpose of the Tovább olvasom…
2022-11-14read more
The COHERENT project is closed
The Association for Sustainable Future (ASF) will close in November an another successful Erasmus+ project. In the framework of the Coherent project, our partner organization – together with Hungarian, Slovenian, Italian, Lithuanian, Belgian, Turkish, Finnish and Spanish partners -, developed policy guidelines and training materials for the purpose of strengthening the social participation of young Tovább olvasom…