

The project’s aim is to build an online information and educational center that deals with the development of human resources, environmental management and eco-innovation to strengthen cross-border business activities, will allow successful competitiveness in the higher regions, and thereby contribute to the KKV sustainable development of the Slovenian-Hungarian cooperation area.  The Public Information and Education Eco-Centre aims to revitalize the target groups interest in the information and communication technologies and encourage collaborative learning and joint development in the field of environmental protection and to increase eco-friendly products for human potential and new job opportunities it provides.

Project partners

  1. University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
  2. Pannon Novum West Pannon Regional Innovation Office
  3. Government Office for Zala County
  4. University of Pannonia
  5. Nagykanizsa Chamber of Commerce
  6. Styrian Chamber of Commerce
  7. University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Information Technology